Get your FREE 50-page guide that will show you the 7 key strategies I applied to become an executive before I was 30 and 16x my salary over 15 years!

Get your FREE e-book and learn in less than 1 hour the 7 key strategies I applied to become an executive before 30 & 16X my salary over 15 years!

Michael Merrill

  • Former Disney & Netflix executive

  • Founder of the Velocity Labs

  • Creator of the Career Accelerator System

  • Co-host of the This Is the Way Podcast

  • Author of Get Promoted, Make More Money & Get the Respect You Deserve.

  • Hubby, Papa, Coach, & Investor in some stuff

Hi–I’m Michael. I help ambitious professionals reach the executive level faster and make more money as they do! !

After college, I found myself fumbling in my career, until I made a decision that transformed everything. I became a student of Top Performers. Like Neo taking the red pill in the Matrix, I began to see the world through a different lens. With this new perspective, I quickly ascended the corporate ladder and became an executive before I was thirty years old.

Since the climb, over a fifteen year period I multiplied my earnings by 16X while advancing from an independent contributor to a global leader and executive at Disney and Netflix.

Standing out as a Top Performer also opened up other great opportunities for my life, including being paid to travel all over the world to places like Tokyo, Amsterdam, London, Spain, Hong Kong, Iceland and more!

Along the way I founded The Velocity Labs where I help ambitious professionals fast track their careers, increase their paychecks and bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to go in their career and life!

My next you crush your career goals!

If you have ever asked yourself one or more of these questions...

  • "How can I reach the executive level faster"

  • "How can I double, triple, or 15x my salary?"

  • "Why have I not been promoted in more than 2 years?"

  • "Why are my co-workers getting promoted and I'm not?"

  • “How can I have more flexibility for my family and hobbies?”

  • “How can I wake up each day excited for what’s ahead?”

  • "How can I get the respect that I deserve?

  • "How can I plan my corporate exit?"

  • "How can I pursue my side hustle?"

..then you’ve come to the right place!

The Velocity Labs is a laboratory for ambitious individuals seeking extraordinary results in their career and life.

ve·loc·i·ty (vəˈläsədē)

 The speed and direction of a moving body.

The aforementioned moving body is you, should you accept the mission. The questions you have to answer are where to and how fast do you want to move?  I’ll help with the rest!

Life is short and you only have so much time in the driver’s seat.  Play accordingly! At age 30 you have approx. 14,965 days left to play!  Tick Tock…Tick Tock

Live a life of your own design, not someone else’s.
If that sounds appealing.

I look forward to being in your corner!

3 Ways I Can Help You




"Get Promoted, Make More Money, And Get The Respect You Deserve." I share the 7 key strategies I applied to become an executive before I was 30 and increased my earnings 16x over 15 years!




I offer limited 1:1 coaching where you can grow and transform your goals by charting your next next steps! Schedule a strategy call and walk away with the seed you need to grow.




It's almost here! Join the waitlist for my brand new course, where I bring my 20 years of experience fast tracking careers, to you, so you can avoid unnecessary pitfalls, earn more and become a top performer.

"I love working with Michael!
He is awesome and has a curious sense of humor"

- Me

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